
Rheumatic diseases and illnesses, also referred to as musculoskeletal diseases, cause pain in your joints and muscles and may severely limit your range of motion.

Although arthritis is the most common disease subject in rheumatology, there are a multitude of connective tissue and autoimmune disorders that we specialize in treating. They can vary from very common to very rare. It is important to be up front and honest with your doctor when explaining your symptoms and your level of discomfort.

Our team of specialists will diagnose your condition, then work with you to develop a treatment plan that could include medication, exercise, and a healthy diet.

Coordinated Care Services

  • Specialty care for chronic rheumatic conditions
  • Outpatient and hospital consultations
  • Soft-tissue injections
  • Arthroscopy procedures
  • Patient education
  • Exercise planning
  • Medicine administration
  • Physical therapy
  • Joint repair and replacement surgery